Monday, February 4, 2008

Microsoft will drive Yahoo into the ground

Two companies that don't know what to do, how to win in this online market. Over the last 3-4 years both have consistently made mistakes, treated their customers poorly. They have repeatedly followed the leader – removing traffic ads from search results page after Google did, increased mail storage allowance for users of Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail after gmail was launched, and many other such major changes.

Both companies are sitting on huge opportunities but the leadership doesn't know what to do with them. They have repeatedly failed to take advantage of these opportunities.

What do you get when two poor performers join forces?

People in the industry talk about “credible threat”, were the two not credible threats at some point over the last two or three years? They missed those chances, they will probably miss them again.

My prediction:

The right thing for Yahoo to do with the to stay independent, slim down, exercise, work hard, get bigger, better, faster, compete. But both companies (leadership) are a bit clueless right now, I trust them to mess this. They will merge. Microsoft will drive Yahoo into the ground just like they did Hotmail.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Programming collective intelligence – Toby Segaran

The best book in the market for people who want to get into data mining without going to school again. Perfect for me!

Very well written, no language wars, no technique wars. But I don't get the web 2.0 connection - probably using a buzzword because the editor as to? The order of the sections is well done; it goes like a story. Usually one means to have a good grasp and a high level view to put the chapters and sections in good order.

I do wish to code in the book had more comments, even though the snippets are small it is easy to lose track of what variable does what. There is no mention in the book about it but the cold is posted online on the author's blog. Download code (zip format).

I took two weeks to read through whatever I found interesting (about eight to nine chapters). I am now implementing the algorithms and playing with them, learning about them, getting familiar with them.

I will provide updates as I make progress.